

BR 2-13: It's a Jungle out there

I read "It's a Jungle out there "which is illustrated book. It has 4 chapters and small CD. It is story of a man that has world record.

Thomas is famous all over the world. He had the world record for sleeping in. One weekend, he slept in for two days, three hours, and fourteen minutes. He was proud of his world record, and people loved him. However his father didn't think so. His father got trouble, because Thomas didn't do his work. He didn't mow the lawns of the backyard, because he was sleeping for a long time. The grass was getting higher and higher every weekend, but Thomas didn't worry about it. One day, he was sleeping as usual, suddenly he woke up because of a big noise. There were many animals in the middle of the backyard...

The most impressive phrase for me was "Thomas smiled painfully at his father and waved." (Millett, 2007, p. 22). Thomas noticed that it was completely his dream, and he was disappointed. I thought that he was tired, and he was still sleepy. Then, he went to bed soon, and he noticed a important thing for him.


Millett, Peter. (2007). It's a Jungle out there [THOMSON NELSON]. Melbourne: Nelson Australia Pry Ltd.

1 件のコメント:

  1. I like sleeping but wouldn't be able to sleep that long like him!

