

BR 2-18: Jump!

I read "Jump!" which was illustrated book. This book had a small CD , and had 4 chapters. The story of this book was a man tried to jump from the airplane.

Logan and Kyle were on the airplane, because they tried to jump from the airplane. Logan was black hair man, and this was his first jump. Kyle was his friend. He was blind, and he was wearing sunglass. He had jumped before, so he was culm down. However, Logan was afraid. He worried if his parachute didn't work. Kyle advised him not to worry.
It was time to jump. First, Kyle dived from the airplane with his instructor. And his parachute worked well. Next, Logan was still afraid. He took a deep breath, and he jumped. Unfortunately, there was a big problem. The parachute didn't open. Did he landed on the ground safety?

The most impressive sentence was "That sounds like a cool idea." (Millett, 2007, P,16) Logan was afraid at the first time, but finally he was completely enjoying it. I thought Logan and Kyle had good friendship each other. I don't like high place, so I thought that I couldn't do this.


Millett, Peter. (2007). Jump! [THOMSON NELSON]. Melbourne: Nelson Australia Pry Ltd.


BR 2-17: Danger In The Snow

I read "DANGER in the SNOW" which was illustrated book. This book had a small CD, and there were 3 chapters of the book. The story of this book is about a life of polar bear and its cubs in Arctic.

A polar bear walked out on the ice. Two cubs were behind her. They were playing in the snow. They were safe now. However there were many danger around there. One day,the polar bear was into the sea to get them some food. When the polar bear was back there, there was nobody. Then the cubs went far away. But they were in danger now. Six wolves were running toward them. The polar bear looked them, and she decided to fight them to save cubs...

My favorite sentence of this book is "There was just one thing to do." (Mitchell, 2007, P,8) This sentence means that the polar bear fight six wolves to save her cubs. I felt the polar bear's strong will as a parent. There was any person in the book, so I felt it was very fresh. The picture of the book was so cute. It was good story.

Mitchell, Julie. (2007). DANGER in the SNOW [THOMSON NELSON]. Melbourne: Nelson Australia Pry Ltd.

BR 2-16: Nico's List

I read "Nico's List" which is illustrated book. This book has a small CD, and there are 4 chapters in the book.

Nico's elder sister, Maria was in bad mood recently. Her favorite rock band, the Sci-fi Zombies held the concert on the town, but she didn't have the ticket. One day, Nico turned the radio. It said that if you were ninth caller, we gave you the Sci-fi Zombies's ticket. Suddenly Nico came up with an idea, and called the dial.
A few days later, he got the ticket fortunately. His plan was that he gave her the ticket whether she was his slave until the concert day. Finally she decided to do his chores for the ticket. She did his homework, washed his soccer shoes and picked him up to his school. But on Tuesday, before the concert day suddenly the concert was cancelled. Maria was face down on her bed, and seemed to do anything. Nico said her sorry and thanks, but she still faced down.
Nico went back to his room, and phone rang...

The best sentence of this book for me is "Having you for a sister." (Wall, 2007, P,24) After I read this sentence, I felt they have good brotherhood. I chose this book, because I watched this book, I thought it was interesting. I thought Nico was clever, but he was really glad man.

Wall, Julia. (2007). Nico's List [THOMSON NELSON]. Melbourne: Nelson Australia Pry Ltd.


Essay 2-03b: University Life

I'm going to tell you about university life now and university life about 25 years from now. Recently, a lot of people go to university. I'm a student at Kumamoto Gakuen university. I study English, learn a lot of experience and make friends there. There are various professor and teacher in the university. The university life is more different than I thought when I was a high school student, but my university life now is good.

I'm studying at British and America department. We can learn English, other languages and a lot of thing there. I entered this university, because I wanted to learn English more, and I thought that English could be useful. In addition, my parents recommended me to go to university.

University students have to make their class timetable by themselves. I didn't make my timetable at high school, so I was surprised at the first time, and I didn't know how to make it. I talked to my friends and consultant, finally I completed my timetable. However, it has 4 first period classes and a lot of free time between classes. It was so hard, because my house is far away from this university, so I have to get up early every day. It was hard for me to come to the university on time. Especially, Tuesday was hardest day. There were classes from first period to fifth period. In addition it had much free time every day. When I became second-year student, timetable was easier than last year. It has not free time in this semester.

I think that making friends is important thing in university. After I entered this university, I joined freshman camp which was welcome party. There were many students, and we were playing some games, eating dinner and talking to students. We rode a bus and went to Aso. There were many strawberries and we ate as many as we could. It was delicious freshman camp was very fun. I made some friends there. After that, I could make lots of friends because of the freshman camp.

I had belonged to Auto club. I didn't want to enter any club at the first time. I went to their room and heard about their activity and their relationship. Then I thought that I wanted to belong to member of the club. The activity was fun for me. Especially, I enjoyed talking to the member of the club. I used manager's car and drove a course. It was difficult, but it became good experience. The members were kind and interesting. I'm not member of the club now, but I sometimes go to the room and meet them if I have free time.

I think university life about 25 years from now is little different from now. Almost students may go to university, but the students get fewer from now. All computers become touch panel and work more quickly. I think that internet spreads and we can connect to the internet everywhere. This university is historical and traditional, so I hope this university to remain in the future.

As you can see, we can learn many things at university. There is not only studying. I'm glad to meet my friends. Studying at the university is difficult, but I want to enjoy the university life and I will do my best to my future.


BR 2-15: Bertha

I read "Bertha" which is illustrated book. This book has three chapters and has a small CD.

A family was washed them car one day. The car named Bertha was very old, so the family wanted a new car. Maddy who was younger sister wanted a pink car. Jake who was elder brother wanted a purple one. The father wanted black one, and the mother wanted yellow one. After that, the family decided to look at new car, and they went to car dealer.

The father, the mother and Maddy liked the first car, but Jake didn't like it because there were not rear seat space enough. The second car ran well, but the seat was hard. The third car was great, but the sound of the horn was terrible. Finally, they didn't decided car on the day. They thought that Bertha was better car of the three.

After Bertha was getting older year by year. The exterior of Bertha was terrible. Jake and Maddy didn't want anyone to see them in Bertha. Finally the father decided to change car. He thought everyone's order and the color which they wanted...

After I read this book, I thought the father's choose was unexpected. I thought it is easy to exchange the horn, so the family should just exchange good one. My favorite phrase of the book was "You're all going to love this car." (Mitchell, 2007, P, 15) I guessed the father was looking forward to show them new car on the time. And the father's face was always funny.

Mitchell, Julie. (2007). Bretha [THOMSON NELSON]. Melbourne: Nelson Australia Pry Ltd.

BR 2-14: Don't Believe Your Eyes!

I read "Don't Believe Your Eyes!". This book has a CD, and some questions. This story is about an old paint technique in Italy.

Camogli is small town on Italian coast. There are many buildings, and they looks beautiful. There are windows on the wall and the flowers on the side of the window. They looks real, but they are just painted on the building. This painting technique is called "Trompe l'oeil".
In the past, Camogli's fisherman used to paint their house in bright color and unusual design. Then they could find their house from the water easily. This technique is difficult, and need detailed work, so there are a few artist now.

I thought that this book teach us the knowledge of old Italian painting technique. the most impressive sentence for me is "so don't always believe your eyes!". (Waring, 2008, P, 19) I thought it was a story about exercise of eyes, but it wasn't. I hope the culture to remain in the future.

Waring, Rob. (2008). Don't Believe Your Eyes! [FOOTPRINT READING LIBRARY]. Melbourne: Nelson Australia Pry Ltd.


BR 2-13: It's a Jungle out there

I read "It's a Jungle out there "which is illustrated book. It has 4 chapters and small CD. It is story of a man that has world record.

Thomas is famous all over the world. He had the world record for sleeping in. One weekend, he slept in for two days, three hours, and fourteen minutes. He was proud of his world record, and people loved him. However his father didn't think so. His father got trouble, because Thomas didn't do his work. He didn't mow the lawns of the backyard, because he was sleeping for a long time. The grass was getting higher and higher every weekend, but Thomas didn't worry about it. One day, he was sleeping as usual, suddenly he woke up because of a big noise. There were many animals in the middle of the backyard...

The most impressive phrase for me was "Thomas smiled painfully at his father and waved." (Millett, 2007, p. 22). Thomas noticed that it was completely his dream, and he was disappointed. I thought that he was tired, and he was still sleepy. Then, he went to bed soon, and he noticed a important thing for him.


Millett, Peter. (2007). It's a Jungle out there [THOMSON NELSON]. Melbourne: Nelson Australia Pry Ltd.

New Year's Resolution

I have some new year's resolutions. First, I want to attend class, and study harder than last year. Next, I want to get a job this year. I didn't do job last year, so I hope to find a job.
