

My favorite watch

I'm going to tell you about my favorite watch. My watch is matel. The dial and the edge of the dial are black. The second hand is read. It is accent of the watch. There are three dial inside of the watch. I like it very much. My mother brought me the watch before I entered the university. My grandmother has entered hospital in Hondo. We went to the hospital to see her. After that, we went to discount store, and brought it. This is not expensive, but the design is good for me. I use it about two years, and it has some scratches in its belt and dial. This is my favorite, so I want to keep using it as long as possible.

My favorite tea

I'm going to tell you about my favorite tea. I always bring s bottle of the tea whenever I go to the university. I keep using a plastic bottle for a week. Every morning, I fill a plastic bottle with tea which made in my home, because buying a bottle of the tea every day is not cheap. So I buy a bottle of the tea every Monday. For example, green tea, barley tea and milk tea. My favorite tea is "Iemon" which is green tea. It is the best tea for me, because the taste is good, and it is not much bitter. It is made by Fukujyuen, and the founder of the tea company is Fukui Iemon, so it was named "Iemon".


Essay 2-03a: University Life

I'm going to tell you about university life now and university life about 25 years from now. Recently, a lot of people go to university. I'm a student at Kumamoto Gakuen university. I always study English, learn a lot of experience and make friends there. There are various professor and teacher in the university. The university life is more different than I thought when I was a high school student, but my university life now is good.

I'm studying at British and America department. We can learn English, other languages and a lot of thing there. I entered this university, because I wanted to learn English more, and I thought that English could be useful. In addition, my parents recommended me to go to university.

University students have to make their class timetable by themselves. I didn't make my timetable at high school, so I was surprised at the first time, and I didn't know how to make it. I talked to my friends and consultant, finally I completed my timetable. However, it has 4 first period classes and a lot of free time between classes. It was so hard, because my house is far away from this university, so I have to get up early every day. It was hard for me to come to the university on time. Especially, Tuesday was hardest day. There were classes from first period to fifth period. my When I become second-year student, timetable is easier than last year.

I think that making friends is important thing in university. After I entered this university, I joined freshman camp which was welcome party. There were many students, and we were playing some games, eating dinner and talking to students. We rode a bus and went to Aso. There were many strawberries and we ate as many as we could. It was delicious freshman camp was very fun. I made some friends there. After that, I could make lots of friends because of the freshman camp.

I had belonged to Auto club. I didn't want to enter any club at the first time. I went to them and heard about their activity and relationship. Then I thought that I wanted to belong to member of the club. The activity was fun for me. I used manager's car and drove a course. It was difficult, but it became good experience. The members were kind and interesting. I'm not member of the club now, but I sometimes go to the room and meet them if I have free time.

I think university life about 25 years from now is little different from now. Almost students may go to university, but the students get fewer from now. All computers become touch panel and work more quickly. I think that internet spreads and we can connect to the internet everywhere. This university is historical and traditional, so I hope this university to remain in the future.

As you can see, we can learn many things at university. There is not only studying. I'm glad to meet my friends. Studying at the university is difficult, but I want to enjoy the university life and I will do my best to my future.


Outline post

University life

  • University life now
    • classes
      • weekday
      • weekend
    • lunchtime
      • store
      • university food
    • club
  • University life future
    • work
    • hope
    • marriage
    • Japan

Map post

University life about 25 years from now

I think that university life about 25 years from now is harder than now. I’m 45 years old. It is unbelievable.


University life now

My university life is good. My house is far away from this university, so I have to get up early every morning. Especially, first period class is the hardest, but I should do this. University life is good for me without it. I look forward to talk my friend. The most interesting thing for me is lunchtime. It is very enjoyable. Tuesday is the hardest day for me, because there are classes from first period to fourth period. The easiest day is Monday. It has only 2 classes. I used to take a lecture of color exam with my friend. It was fun.



I read "MY BEST FRIEND THINKS I'M A GENIUS" which is illustrated book. This book has 4 chapters and has a small CD. I used to read "My best friend's a genius". Both books has same characters, Gray and Miles but the leading character of this book is Miles.

Miles and Gray are good friend. Gray thinks Miles is a genius, because he is good with electronics and computers, and he like to invent things. However, Miles are not so sure. His invented things are always go wrong. He used to invent "the hyper phone" which could talk to aliens, but it couldn't work well. He thought it was failure, but Gray only knew it could talk to a scientist in 2156.

One day, They decided to invent an instant travel machine when they were watching science fiction on TV. After a few month, Miles completed the machine, and he tried to test. Unfortunately Gray took a mistake, and Miles disappeared with flashing light. He went past or future.

The most impressive thing is the ending, "Maybe you're right. Maybe I am a genius." (Ivanoff, 2008, p. 24) Miles didn't think he was not a genius, but he thought Gray's saying is really thanks to him. He thought it was sure that Gray was really best friend. This makes me feel their friendship. I recommend this book, because it is good story.

Ivanoff, George. (2008). MY BEST FRIEND THINKS I'M A GENIUS [THOMSON NELSON]. Melbourne: Nelson Australia Pry Ltd.


Essay 2-02c: My Language Learning Experience

I'm going to tell you about my language learning experiences. I studied three languages Japanese, English and German. I have studied Japanese since I was elementary school student. I have learned English since I was junior high school student, and I studied Germany when I entered this university.

My parents kept teaching me Japanese when I was baby, so I have been learning Japanese for twenty years. I liked to study Japanese. I remember I often studied Hiragana and Katakana when I was kindergartner. It was hard to remember Hiragana and Katakana, but I enjoyed studying them. I studied easier Kanji when I was an elementary school. I learned a lot of things, for example how to read and how to write. I wrote it many times. In high school, I must study difficult Kanji. It was complicated and hard to read and write. I didn't like Kanji since that time.

I study Japanese classics and classical Chinese in high school. Japanese classics are old Japanese sentences and it was difficult to read, because it is completely different from modern style. It was hard for me to remember grammar and words. classical Chinese is Chinese style sentence. It was necessary to remember grammar. I liked classical Chinese than Japanese classics, but I wasn't good at either. It was hard for me to read the sentences. In addition, Japanese classics teacher and classical Chinese teacher were same but the teacher's talk was very sleepy, so I could not concentrate on the class.

English is my favorite language. I first studied English at junior high school. It was first foreign language, so I was looking forward to studying English. I regularly went to supplementary private school when I was junior high school. I could study English with my friends. It was fun for me. I often studied English at that time. I didn't study at high school, but I was hard to study English. English is difficult, but I think learning second language is very good for me. So I entered in this university.

I studied German in this university for the first time. I had to choose German, French, Spanish, or Russian. It seemed that German was the easiest language of the three, so I chose it. I thought German was not so difficult, because I heard a rumor that the teacher is glad. German resembles English, but it has definite article, and English doesn't have it. It was hard for me to remember and how to use. German classes were first period on Monday and fifth period on Tuesday, so I was tired after the classes. The teacher was glad and good at teaching.

I have learned three languages. I think it was good for me to learn languages. I liked English, so I entered this university. I cannot write a lot or speak fluently, so I have to study harder. I didn't want to study some languages, but it was a good experience. I hope learning language is useful for me.
(498 words)

My favorite bicycle

I'm going to tell you about my favorite bicycle. I have my bicycle and I use it everyday from Suizenji station to this university. Its color is black. Bicycle is better than walk. It takes 15 minutes by walk, but it takes only 5 minutes by bicycle. In addition, cycling doesn't wear out of the bottom of the shoes, so I can keep using my shoes. I decided to buy it because I took a lecture on the evening, and it is difficult to get the train by walk. I brought it "Mr. Max". As a matter of fact, I wanted a bicycle which has LED headlight and 6 gears, but it was expensive. So I decided to buy it. I used to have a bicycle when I was high school student, but it had already broken down. I want to use my bicycle as long as possible.


BR 2-11: My Best Friend's a Genius

I read "My Best Friend's a Genius" which is illustrated book. It has 4 chapters and small CD.

Miles is a genius. He invents many things, but some of them are not useful. Gray who is Miles's best friend is not a genius, but he always helps him when he gets into trouble. Leading character of this book is Gray. Miles sometimes involves Gray and his mother into trouble because of his invention. So his mother grounded his everytime.

One day, he came up with an idea. He decided to invent hyper phone which can talk to aliens. Gray said that it couldn't be, but Miles didn't hear that. He let Gray buy some parts, and he started to work.
3 days after, Miles made a little box with flasing lights on it. Gray saw it fot yhe first time, he surprised and said, "That's great." Then Miles took his mobile phone, and he connected it to the machine. Finally Miles completed the hyper phone. Gray thought it was the best invention of ever. However, he missed out an important thing. He didn't know alien's number. He just shook his head sadly and close his eyes.He was going to cry.

Suddenly there was a electricity sound around the box. It was a call. A voice said "Who are you and where are you from?" Miles and Gray answered, and they were kept talking to the voice. They were talking to the voice, and they knew who the voice is. They understood it was not arien, he is scientist in the Antarctic reserch base. Just then Miles's mother noticed it and called Miles. He was got out of the room, and explained his mother what happened.

Gray kept talking to him. He said that Australia was not there in 2156. Gray was very surprised. Suddenly Gray lost contact with the man, and he tried to call again and again, but it never connected. He heard a voud voice from down stair. He thought it is time to help Miles.

The most impressive passage for me was the end of the story, "I thought, time to go help Miles get out of trouble." (Ivanoff, 2007, p. 24). It meant that they help each other. It made me happy and I thought they had a good friendship. I thought Gray respects Miles.
(388 words)


Ivanoff, George. (2007). My Best Friend's a Genius [THOMSON NELSON]. Melbourne: Nelson Australia Pry Ltd.


My favorite comic book

I'm going to tell you about my favorite comic book. I often read comic book. I have two comic books, "NARUTO" and "Full metal Alchemist". I borrow comic book from my friend sometimes. My favorite comic book is "Full metal Alchemist". I have known this anime when I was junior high school. My friend lent me its game, and I knew the anime for the first time. There are 27 comic books of "Full metal Alchemist", and I have all of the books. It has flesh and interesting story, and the characters are every funny. The story has finished recently. I feel little bit lonely, but I think that the story length is just good. I have "NARUTO" too. The story is quite long, so I have some books. It is very interesting, and I look forward to read its continuance.



My car ran 20,00 kilometers on November 27. I use it almost everyday. My parent use it for 2 years. I don't want my car to happen any trouble.