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Essay 2-03a: University Life
Outline post
University life
- University life now
- classes
- weekday
- weekend
- lunchtime
- store
- university food
- club
- classes
- University life future
- work
- hope
- marriage
- Japan
University life about 25 years from now
I think that university life about 25 years from now is harder than now. I’m 45 years old. It is unbelievable.
University life now
My university life is good. My house is far away from this university, so I have to get up early every morning. Especially, first period class is the hardest, but I should do this. University life is good for me without it. I look forward to talk my friend. The most interesting thing for me is lunchtime. It is very enjoyable. Tuesday is the hardest day for me, because there are classes from first period to fourth period. The easiest day is Monday. It has only 2 classes. I used to take a lecture of color exam with my friend. It was fun.

Essay 2-02c: My Language Learning Experience
My parents kept teaching me Japanese when I was baby, so I have been learning Japanese for twenty years. I liked to study Japanese. I remember I often studied Hiragana and Katakana when I was kindergartner. It was hard to remember Hiragana and Katakana, but I enjoyed studying them. I studied easier Kanji when I was an elementary school. I learned a lot of things, for example how to read and how to write. I wrote it many times. In high school, I must study difficult Kanji. It was complicated and hard to read and write. I didn't like Kanji since that time.
I study Japanese classics and classical Chinese in high school. Japanese classics are old Japanese sentences and it was difficult to read, because it is completely different from modern style. It was hard for me to remember grammar and words. classical Chinese is Chinese style sentence. It was necessary to remember grammar. I liked classical Chinese than Japanese classics, but I wasn't good at either. It was hard for me to read the sentences. In addition, Japanese classics teacher and classical Chinese teacher were same but the teacher's talk was very sleepy, so I could not concentrate on the class.
English is my favorite language. I first studied English at junior high school. It was first foreign language, so I was looking forward to studying English. I regularly went to supplementary private school when I was junior high school. I could study English with my friends. It was fun for me. I often studied English at that time. I didn't study at high school, but I was hard to study English. English is difficult, but I think learning second language is very good for me. So I entered in this university.
I studied German in this university for the first time. I had to choose German, French, Spanish, or Russian. It seemed that German was the easiest language of the three, so I chose it. I thought German was not so difficult, because I heard a rumor that the teacher is glad. German resembles English, but it has definite article, and English doesn't have it. It was hard for me to remember and how to use. German classes were first period on Monday and fifth period on Tuesday, so I was tired after the classes. The teacher was glad and good at teaching.
I have learned three languages. I think it was good for me to learn languages. I liked English, so I entered this university. I cannot write a lot or speak fluently, so I have to study harder. I didn't want to study some languages, but it was a good experience. I hope learning language is useful for me.
(498 words)
My favorite bicycle
BR 2-11: My Best Friend's a Genius

The most impressive passage for me was the end of the story, "I thought, time to go help Miles get out of trouble." (Ivanoff, 2007, p. 24). It meant that they help each other. It made me happy and I thought they had a good friendship. I thought Gray respects Miles.
(388 words)
My favorite comic book