Miles and Gray are good friend. Gray thinks Miles is a genius, because he is good with electronics and computers, and he like to invent things. However, Miles are not so sure. His invented things are always go wrong. He used to invent "the hyper phone" which could talk to aliens, but it couldn't work well. He thought it was failure, but Gray only knew it could talk to a scientist in 2156.
One day, They decided to invent an instant travel machine when they were watching science fiction on TV. After a few month, Miles completed the machine, and he tried to test. Unfortunately Gray took a mistake, and Miles disappeared with flashing light. He went past or future.
The most impressive thing is the ending, "Maybe you're right. Maybe I am a genius." (Ivanoff, 2008, p. 24) Miles didn't think he was not a genius, but he thought Gray's saying is really thanks to him. He thought it was sure that Gray was really best friend. This makes me feel their friendship. I recommend this book, because it is good story.
Ivanoff, George. (2008). MY BEST FRIEND THINKS I'M A GENIUS [THOMSON NELSON]. Melbourne: Nelson Australia Pry Ltd.
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