My favorite watch
My favorite tea
Essay 2-03a: University Life
Outline post
University life
- University life now
- classes
- weekday
- weekend
- lunchtime
- store
- university food
- club
- classes
- University life future
- work
- hope
- marriage
- Japan
University life about 25 years from now
I think that university life about 25 years from now is harder than now. I’m 45 years old. It is unbelievable.
University life now
My university life is good. My house is far away from this university, so I have to get up early every morning. Especially, first period class is the hardest, but I should do this. University life is good for me without it. I look forward to talk my friend. The most interesting thing for me is lunchtime. It is very enjoyable. Tuesday is the hardest day for me, because there are classes from first period to fourth period. The easiest day is Monday. It has only 2 classes. I used to take a lecture of color exam with my friend. It was fun.

Essay 2-02c: My Language Learning Experience
My parents kept teaching me Japanese when I was baby, so I have been learning Japanese for twenty years. I liked to study Japanese. I remember I often studied Hiragana and Katakana when I was kindergartner. It was hard to remember Hiragana and Katakana, but I enjoyed studying them. I studied easier Kanji when I was an elementary school. I learned a lot of things, for example how to read and how to write. I wrote it many times. In high school, I must study difficult Kanji. It was complicated and hard to read and write. I didn't like Kanji since that time.
I study Japanese classics and classical Chinese in high school. Japanese classics are old Japanese sentences and it was difficult to read, because it is completely different from modern style. It was hard for me to remember grammar and words. classical Chinese is Chinese style sentence. It was necessary to remember grammar. I liked classical Chinese than Japanese classics, but I wasn't good at either. It was hard for me to read the sentences. In addition, Japanese classics teacher and classical Chinese teacher were same but the teacher's talk was very sleepy, so I could not concentrate on the class.
English is my favorite language. I first studied English at junior high school. It was first foreign language, so I was looking forward to studying English. I regularly went to supplementary private school when I was junior high school. I could study English with my friends. It was fun for me. I often studied English at that time. I didn't study at high school, but I was hard to study English. English is difficult, but I think learning second language is very good for me. So I entered in this university.
I studied German in this university for the first time. I had to choose German, French, Spanish, or Russian. It seemed that German was the easiest language of the three, so I chose it. I thought German was not so difficult, because I heard a rumor that the teacher is glad. German resembles English, but it has definite article, and English doesn't have it. It was hard for me to remember and how to use. German classes were first period on Monday and fifth period on Tuesday, so I was tired after the classes. The teacher was glad and good at teaching.
I have learned three languages. I think it was good for me to learn languages. I liked English, so I entered this university. I cannot write a lot or speak fluently, so I have to study harder. I didn't want to study some languages, but it was a good experience. I hope learning language is useful for me.
(498 words)
My favorite bicycle
BR 2-11: My Best Friend's a Genius

The most impressive passage for me was the end of the story, "I thought, time to go help Miles get out of trouble." (Ivanoff, 2007, p. 24). It meant that they help each other. It made me happy and I thought they had a good friendship. I thought Gray respects Miles.
(388 words)
My favorite comic book
BR 2-10: I WISH

I read "I WISH" which is illustrated book. This book has a small CD, and has 4 chapters.
Pele, Ron and Pete were student. They were boring and hate school life. One day, Pete came up with a plan when they walked to school. He said, "why don't we run away to the Pacific Ocean?" Ron's uncle has a yacht, so they agreed with that plan.
A week later, the three friends were sailing across the Pacific Ocean. Pole was captain and steered the boat. They enjoyed fishing fishes, watching the sea and sailing. They thought it is better than school life.
There was a blue sky, but one day it turned black and the wind was stronger and stronger. Lightning flashed and thunder crashed. Big waves smashed into the boat. There was storm. They were very scared. After that, the sky became fine and the boat rolled upside down and they climbed onto the bottom of the boat. They completely got lost. They didn't know what they do.
Fortunately, they found a small island. They swam to the island. There were many fruits everywhere. They were happy and thought this is lucky. They Loved their island holiday. They spend their days swimming, fishing and laughing. But after a few days, they were tired of eating some food and doing same things. They were completely boring. They wanted to go back school life.
Then Pele found a green bottle on the wave. They picked it up and tried to open, but it was quite hard. Pete tried to hold the bottle with his feet and pulled it with all his might. Finally the bottle opened and a big genie appeared suddenly. The genie said he would grant you one wish each. "What do you wish for?" and turned to Pele. All thry wanted to do is to back to school life, so Pele said he wanted to back to school, and he was back to school. Ron said he wanted the same as Pele, and he was back too. However Pete thought it was lonely without my friends, so he wished Pele and Ron were still here...
After I read this book, I thought it was funny at the end. I guessed Pete wishes to be back to school life as same as Pele and Ron, but He didn't do this because he felt lonely. I thought he is simple and he take care of his friends.
My favorite store
BR 2-09: Bruno's Tea


I read "BUZZ SEES THE DIFFERENCE" which is illustrated book. It has 5 chapters and has a small CD.
My favorite cellular phone
My favorite TV star

Essay 2-02b: My language learning experience
BR 2-07: The Giant Causeway

I read "The Giant Causeway" which is illustrated book. This book has 4 chapters and has a small CD.
Finn McCool who was big and strong Irish giant had won many battles. But he was tired of fighting. He married Oonagh who was a clever giantess. They lived in Irish together. They were living ordinary everyday.
One day, suddenly a heavy rock landed near Finn. A man who threw the rock was Benandonner of Scotland. He came to meet him, because he wanted to fight him. Finn was famous for the strongest man, but he was already old. Benandonner wanted to go to Irish, but there were sea between Irish and Scotland. He couldn't swim. He said "I just don't know how to swim." Therefore Finn would make a causeway for Benandonner.
Finn began to pull great slabs of rock off the cliff, and he threw them into the water. It was long way from Ireland to Scotland. Finally, he completed to make the causeway. He was very tired,and he was going to bed after that.
In next morning, Oonagh woke up early. She went outside, because someone was making a big noise. Benandonner was walking over the causeway to fight Finn. Oonagh went back home and tried to wake up him, but he was still asleep. He was not going to wake up, so she came up with a plan. She made him to disguise like a baby.
Benandonner came into their house and saw the Finn like a baby. He was surprised when he saw the baby because the baby was huge. Benandonner said, "if this baby is this size, what is its father?" He was afraid and went back to Scotland, and he never come to Ireland. Finn and Oonagh started to laughing when they watched Benandonner went back. After that Finn broke the causeway and picked up some mud and threw them at Benandonner. The mud that Finn threw at Benandonner was named "The Isle of Man"
After I read this book, I wondered this story is true or not true. I thought this is old British story. It was interesting for me.
My favorite animal
BR 2-06: Shipwreck

I read "Shipwreck" which is illustrated book. This book is Manga style, and it has not so many words. So it is easy to read. It has a small CD.
Matt, Milly and their parent sailed by yacht one day. Matt is younger brother and Milly is elder sister. The familly had been sailing many times. They are accustomed to sailing. The day was warm and sunny for the first five days, but soon after the sea was stormy. They had never experienced such a storm. Unfortunately, the yacht hit a reef. They decided to abandon the yacht finally. The parent got in a life raft, and Matt and Milly got in the other one.
The next morning, Matt and Milly reached somewhere. It likes a shore in an islamd. But the parent was not there. They tried to look for the parent...
After I read this book, It was impressive for me their brotherhood. I felt they helped each other and they tried hard to look for parent. This book was emotionally and easy to read, so I recommend this book.
Reilly, C. (2008). Shipwreck; Thomson Learning Australia Press:[n.p.].
My favorite shoes

I read "TRAPPED" which is illustrated book. This book has small CD and has 5 chapters.
My favorite misic
BR 2-03: Venus Bay
Essay 2-02a: My language learning experience
My language learning experience quickpost
I am learning English for 7 years. And I learned Germany in this university. I think it is important to learn language. English is difficult for me, but I like English very much. Because I like it when I was junior high school. The reason I decided to learn English is I want to know English more.
My favorite motto
BR 2-02: The Barbecue
My favorite car
My favorite class
Essay 2-01b: My old school
My family had lived in an apartment house in Kumamoto city. It takes 15 minutes to go to the school. I had walked the road every time. The road is narrow and snaky, so cars are seldom running. The town is changing now. There were field by the road, but there are some houses now. So I didn’t know what there are. I usually went to my friend's home and play video game. It was so exciting.
My elementary school is near Aqua Dome. It was not so big, but it has so many students and built some school building on the ground now. The school has 4 stories. 1 grade student's classroom and 6 grade student's classroom are independent. I often went to library on summer, because it had an air-conditioned. The school lunch was delicious for me. I was usually looking forward to eat the lunch.
My favorite school lunch was curry udon. Curry rice often provides for school lunch, but curry udon is rare. It was very happy for me when it was provided. It was so delicious. My favorite subject was Japanese. I'm not good at it now, but I liked it at that time. I had to study Kanji and had to use a textbook called "Kanji skill". It was attached some seals, and the one page finished, you can stick the seal. I was troublesome for me, but it was useful.
The teacher was interesting. The homeroom teacher when I was 3rd grade student is the best. She was very kind and good at teach. She went to Germany for study when she was a teacher. And she is vice-principal now. When I was 5th grade student, a homeroom teacher was not good. He was kind, but a little bit lazy. He seldom gave us homework. It was happy for me, but not happy for parent. Because their children become not to study.
BR 2-01: The Blue Game
My favorite high school memory
Essay 2-01a: My old school
My family had lived in an apartment house in Kumamoto city. It takes 15 minutes to go to the school. I had walked the road every time. The road is narrow and snaky, so cars are seldom running. The town is changing now. There were field by the road, but there are some houses now. So I didn’t know what there are. I usually went to my friend's home and play video game. It was so exciting.
My elementary school is near Aqua Dome. It was not so big, but it has so many students and built some school building on the ground now. The school has 4 stories. 1 grade student's classroom and 6 grade student's classroom are independent. I often went to library on summer, because it had an air-conditioned. The school lunch was delicious for me. I was usually looking forward to eat the lunch.
The teacher was interesting. The homeroom teacher when I was 3rd grade student is the best. She was very kind and good at teach. She went to Germany for study when she was a teacher. And she is vice-principal now. When I was 5th grade student, a homeroom teacher was not good. He was kind, but a little bit lazy. He seldom gave us homework. It was happy for me, but not happy for parent. Because their children become not to study.
I have a lot of memory of the school. I was very sad when I had had to leave this school, but I could meet many friends in Amakusa. I want to go to my elementary school again and want to meet my friends.
My favorite circle
My favorite TV show
My favorite season
My favorite sport to watch
My favorite place
My favorite travel
Speaking Ⅲ BLT sandwich
Writing Test
Developing Awareness
I could develop my English skill in this semester. I learned two things. First, I could develop my grammar of English. When I wrote my blog, used a lot of words and used dictionary. So I could remember many words. Second, I could develop my expression. I wrote my blog at first, I didn’t use so many expressions. But I could use different expressions day by day
Facing Challenges
My most significant challenge was to write 10000 words. As a matter of fact, I couldn’t write so many words, but I have never written many words, so I could develop my English skill. Using computer is very hard for me, because I cannot use the computer easily.
Achieving Satisfaction
I had never written blog, so I confuse about writing at the first time. I don’t write well still. I didn’t write so many words ever, so I satisfy about my writing.
Mindmap: Outline and Spreadsheet
American affairs
I am Tomas Smith. Today, I am going to talk about my great friend. I am old now, but I impress his personality. He and I have known each other since we were small children, and we went to same school. He has very sharp concentration and willpower, so he will not give up things he started. He is my dream forever.
Since we were 25 years old, we started new work. We made carriages ourselves and sold them. In the beginning, our products were hardly sell. Although, thanks to his management, Our company gained big profit when he was 38 years old.
We made big money, and he became president his own company. In 1899, he got married and had three children. In the next year, I got married too and had two children. So I was very happy. One day I bought new car. At that time my car was powerful and had beautiful design. In holiday, I invited him to drive. Although, he said “I am not interested in it.” And he refused. Nevertheless, I invited him again. He took on my car unwillingly. The first time he took my car, he was impressed by speed and ride. And this was the start line of his successful story.
And then, he decided to learn Automobile. He left president’s seat, and he appointed me to be a president. Then I became his company’s president. He learned it by himself, and he bought new car. He actually drove his car long distance. He drove long distance, his car repeated break down and repair. And he found out car’s defects. He invented a new car that fixed these defects. Then there was not prospering automobile company, he focused on it. He acquired this company by his big money, he became a president. I thought he stepped away from me, and never come back our company.
When he became a president, he acquired many automobile company. In the blink his company was bigger and bigger. He was known one of the most success man in the world.
In 1947, he left a great amount of money to his children. He lived a stormy life and he taught me that it is important not to give up. His company is called “GM”, it is the biggest company in America. Now, it goes out of business, but his mind is living forever.
Essay 1-01a Dear Host Family
Dear host family,
My name is Kousuke. I am very glad to meet you. I go to KGU and study English. Recently, English is becoming international language and I like English very much, so I am studying English in this university. I am interested in other culture in the world, because there are many different things. I want to learn about culture, customs, rules and language.
My hobbies are driving a car and listening to music. I got my driver’s license when I was 18 years old. In America, you can get a car license when you are 16 years old. If I were an American, I would get a car license as soon as possible. I want to drive an American muscle car, because it has much power and it is so cool.
I also listening to music very much. My favorite artist is “B’z”, because Inaba is so cool singer and Matsumoto is very good at guitar. When I go to University, I listen to their music.
I want to know about America. Is American McDonald’s bigger than Japanese McDonald’s? I want to eat at McDonald’s in America. Do you know Natto? It is Japanese food and most foreigners hate it. But I like it, because it is healthy. If I go to New York, I want to go “Times Square”. There are a lot of signboards, skyscrapers and cabs. We can see beautiful illuminations there at night. So I want to go there this one time.
I hope to see you soon and make a lot of memory. See you soon.
BR 1-15 [Amanda Pig and Her Big Brother Oliver]

Brainstorm: favorite place
BR 1-14 [Mr. Bean]
Vacation plans
BR 1-13 [Tales of Amanda Pig]

I read "Tales of Amanda Pig" which was illustrated book. This is 5 stories and had cute pictures.
F1 Europe GP
About blogging
Little Charo

BR 1-12 [The Troy Stone]
About my keitai
Quickpost about voice recording
Using the computer
Essay 1-01c: Voice Recording
BR 1-11 [Dutch Adventure]

I read "Dutch Adventure" which is illustrated book. This book is written by Roderick Hunt.
BMW fair
My favorite movie
BR 1-10 [The Little Red Hen]
BR 1-09 [Harry Goes To Day Camp]

James, Z. (1995). Harry Goes To Day Camp. Puffin Press:[n.p.].